Rebekah Cahalin Steps into Role of Board President
Get to Know Traveling Stories’ New Board President: Rebekah Cahalin
Rebekah has been involved with Traveling Stories for over half its existence! From volunteering at the StoryTent and growing our relationships with corporate donors, to joining the board of directors and becoming a Virtual StoryTent mentor she’s experienced so many different aspects Traveling Stories. In 2022, the Traveling Stories board voted unanimously to make Rebekah its new President for the next term. We’re excited about the experience and energy she brings to the team. We hope the Q&A below helps you get to know her better!
TS: How long have you known about Traveling Stories, and what made you want to get involved?
RC: I first discovered Traveling Stories in 2015 while working at a local San Diego Comicbook Publisher. The Founder/CEO was on the board at Traveling Stories and invited Emily Moberly into the offices to talk to staff and present information about Traveling Stories. It immediately grabbed my attention and felt like something I wanted to participate in. So I volunteered at the Story Tents, internally supported the Toy Drives, and worked with Emily to become the Charity of Choice for some of our digital fundraising campaigns.
TS: As the new board president, what would you like to see Traveling Stories accomplish in the next 12 months?
RC: The pivot to virtual StoryTents during COVID was quite impressive. Traveling Stories was able to quickly strategize and develop a virtual solution to keep readers supported and engaged. In the next 12 months, I hope to see the virtual StoryTent continue to grow and thrive, increase local community engagement with parents, caregivers, readers, teachers, and work with Emily and the other board members to continue supporting Traveling Stories in the best ways possible.
TS: What impact has reading or books had on your life?
RC: As the eldest daughter of a big family, I grew up with a lot of responsibility at a pretty young age. Books and reading were my gateway and inspiration to fantasy, action, and adventure, and the best part was that they were available anytime! My parents and teachers truly supported my love of reading and I could stay up late reading, read in the bath, read at lunch, etc. Reading expanded my worldview and inspired me to seek adventure and follow roads less traveled.
TS: As you've gotten more involved with TS, has there been anything that has surprised you? Is there anything you've learned or noticed about nonprofits or literacy and schools that you didn't know before?
RC: In talking to and learning from Emily and the other board members, I discovered that access to libraries and books, in general, are some of the first things cut from the budget when schools need to save money. It's so counter-intuitive to learning and education, and I was shocked.
Another discovery was just how lean Traveling Stories and nonprofits, in general, have to run. There are very few paid staff members making many great things happen.
The best surprise has been the amount of passion, caring, and knowledge that supports Traveling Stories. So many amazing people care deeply about promoting literacy in children. It can feel like a daunting endeavor until you see and interact with the individuals supporting and encouraging Traveling Stories and the kids who take part.
TS: What do you want Traveling Stories supporters to know about you?
RC: Being a part of Traveling Stories both on the board and reading mentor levels has enriched my life. It is incredible to watch a young reader gain confidence, become comfortable, and fall in love with reading. I encourage anyone on the fence about getting involved with a nonprofit to go for it!
Rebekah representing IDW Publishing at the StoryTent in City Heights for our first Comic Book Day! Rebekah and other IDW staff taught kids how comics are made and distributed free comics for each child to keep.