2021 Most Requested Toys by Kids

Collect Toys for Children in our Programs

Participate in our annual Holiday Toy Drive!

Traveling Stories matches students in kindergarten through second grade with trained reading mentors for weekly, one-on-one reading sessions and mentorship. Volunteers give students Book Bucks for every book they read. This is a powerful motivator, especially for reluctant readers. Students use their Book Bucks to order prizes from our online StoryTent store.

“Prizes made me want to read, but over time reading became the real prize.”

-Kiki, a second grader in our program

Every holiday season we ask our supporters to help collect as many brand new toys as possible to restock our prize store. Here is this year’s list of most requested toy items by kids:

2021 Most Requested Toys by Kids (aka our 2021 Toy Drive Wish List):

  • Kids Smartwatches

  • Board Games

  • Legos /Duplo

  • Pop its

  • Slime Making Kits

  • Pokemon cards

  • LOL and Rainbow High Dolls

  • Nerf Toys

  • Journals

How to Participate in the Toy Drive:

You can participate on your own, or as a group! Imagine the fun it would be to pick out prizes with your co-workers, bible study, or perhaps your book club! It could be a great team building activity for any type of group.

Because the Toy Drive is virtual, participating can be done without leaving your house simply by shopping on our Amazon Wish List! The toy(s) will automatically be shipped to Traveling Stories. 

The Toy Drive will go live Nov.12 and Toy donations will be accepted until Dec. 17. It will be a tremendous help if you can save Nov.12 on your calendar and spread the word. We hope we can count on you to participate this year!

Have a question?

Reach out to Hezhi, our director of programs, at hezhi@travelingstories.org!

Toy Drive Details at a Glance:

What: Traveling Stories Annual Holiday Toy Drive

When: Friday, November 12 to Friday, December 17

Where:Online at https://a.co/cnpaBBM

Why: To collect toys for the children in our program! All of the toys we collect will be used as prizes in the Virtual StoryTent!


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